Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: This project is one of the largest projects on the east coast, covering over (26) miles of rail line. DAI’s portion of this work included the design, signal enclosure assembly and field testing of over (70) signal/crossing houses. Signal houses ranged from cut section houses, crossing houses to large interlocking locations utilizing 10’x28’ signal houses. DAI’s scope includes designing of interlocking software and hardware design, factory acceptance testing, system implementation as well as portions of the PTC system. The system utilizes coded track circuits, cab signaling, predictor-based crossings and fiber vital remote links.
Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: The project included the design of highway grade crossing systems utilizing XP4 technology and Microlok wayside microprocessors for electronic track circuits. Additional work included assembling prewired 10’x16’ signal houses as well as tie-in location equipment and supplying wayside signals and grade crossing warning signals. Project completion is targeted for late 2020.
Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: The project included the design and software for several large interlocking houses, the total project encompassed over 93 wayside microprocessors and several hundred relays as well as (34) switch control applications. Each prewired signal house exceeded 10’x36’ in size. Project is scheduled for completion in 2021.
Sound Transit OMFE
Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: The project included the design of a yard system that has over (400) possible routes and (50) switches. The system had (2) large signal houses, overlay track circuits as well as numeric display signs for route identification. Project utilized microprocessors, relays and overlay track circuits. Project is scheduled completion in 2020.
Joint Powers Board 25th Avenue Grade Separation Project
Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: The project included the manufacturing of train control and grade crossing signal enclosures. The project was constructed is several phases to allow of track shifts as well as the remove of tracks from the roadway to an elevated track structure.
Acton Station and Double Track Project
Type of System: Commuter
Scope of work: The project included prewired wayside signal enclosures as well as pedestrian grade crossing warning systems. DAI completed its work (2) months ahead of contract completion date.
San Diego Blue Line System Project
Type of System: Commuter Combined Asset Traction Power/Heavy Rail
Scope of work: The project included (92) crossings and wayside locations testing and commissioning utilizing the SICA7 PLC. DAI was a subcontractor to HMS Construction. The original contract timeline was based upon a year and a half project. Due to the enormous amounts of contract change orders, the project was extended by six months. The project entailed (2) single directional tracks (northbound and southbound) on the San Diego Trolley. The goal of the project was to provide bi-directional (reverse running) running on both tracks. DAI’s role on the project was inclusive of construction oversight, factory acceptance testing, phased cut-over plans as well as commissioning the project. The project was staged into (5) zones per the baseline line contract, each milestone of the project was met. DAI successfully completed all the work under its contract. The project consisted for the early portion of the project utilizing a single Engineer to six engineers through pretesting and cut-overs.
Sorrento Double Track Project
Type of System: Commuter/Heavy Rail
Scope of work: The double track project consisted of several miles of single track operations that expanded into double track operations. The work included two new control points, intermediates and impacted grade crossings. DAI was a subcontractor to Select Electric on the project. DAI’s scope of responsibility included on-site oversight of signal construction. Oversight included ensure electricians installed cables correctly, signal houses and cases were installed per plan as well as phased cut-overs into an active system. DAI personnel programmed and testing several Harmon Crossing Predictors and validated, tested and commissioning all wayside equipment.
Grade Crossing Enhancement Project
Type of System: Commuter/Heavy Rail
Scope of work: The work included (6) grade crossing upgrades for train speed. DAI provided construction oversight, test plans, work plans as well as the complete authority over testing and commissioning. The system utilize Harmon Grade Crossing Predictors.
San Bruno Grade Separation Project
Type of System: Commuter/Heavy Rail
Scope of work: The work included (8) grade crossings and (5) wayside locations. The scope of the work included providing factory testing on behalf of the client, oversight of the construction, phased circuit plans for shoefly track configuration as well as all site specific work plans and cut-over plans. DAI performed the complete testing and commissioning of the system. The system utilized GETS VHLC and Harmon Grade Crossing Predictor equipment.